Wasseem Emam PhD student carrying out field work in the Nile delta Egypt for the BOLTI project

Wasseem Emam PhD student  carrying out field work in the Nile delta Egypt for the BOLTI project

Institute of Aquaculture PhD student Wasseem Emam doing his field work in the Nile delta as part of the Newton British Council Funded BOLTI project. His PhD is investigating 'Different aspects on the welfare of farmed tilapia in Egypt'. The project is also working with the Faculty of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences of Kafr El Sheik University and WorldFish Center Abassa in partnership.

Introductory publication to a special issue of Aquaculture: Emerging trends in aquaculture value chain research

Introductory publication to a special issue of Aquaculture: Emerging trends in aquaculture value chain research

Professor Dave Little, alongside colleagues from the Wageningen University and Research, Michigan State University and Nangyang Technical University Singapore have published an introductory paper, ‘Emerging trends in aquaculture value chain research’, to a special issue of the journal Aquaculture on the same theme. See here video with Prof Simon Bush describing the background behind this new special edition on global value chains