
 Alexander Kaminski, also known as Olek, is a Commonwealth Scholar undertaking his Ph.D as part of a project entitled “Piloting inclusive business and entrepreneurial models for smallholder fish farmers and poor value chain actors in Zambia and Malawi” led by WorldFish in partnership with the Institute of Aquaculture and funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany.

Olek has an MA in Development Studies from Rhodes University, South Africa; and a second MA in Development and Governance from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. After graduating he worked as an aquatic resource management consultant at WorldFish for five years, in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Zambia, specializing on topics such as smallholder aquaculture development, food and nutrition security, gender transformative change and value chain governance. His doctoral research seeks to integrate these components within the broader development goals of the above-mentioned BMZ project.

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