This two-year project is led by the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling and funded by Open Philanthropy.

Jimmy Turnbull, Sonia Rey Planellas, David Little and Amaya Albalat review fish behaviour video at the Niall Bromage Freshwater Research Unit.

The project is led by Professor Dave Little (Deputy Head of the Institute of Aquaculture), Professor Jimmy Turnbull (Strategic Lead on Animal Welfare), Dr Amaya Albalat (Senior Lecturer in Welfare and Behaviour), and Dr Sonia Rey Planellas (Lecturer in Welfare and Behaviour).

In the first round of activities we called on academic organisations in Vietnam and Thailand to work with other stakeholders in those countries, and with international partners, to develop short research projects that can be funded to help build capacity and understanding of the issues. The University of Stirling hosted online workshops (“sandpits”) to help build appropriate partnerships and guide the development of concise proposals. These took place in February 2023. Funded projects fall into one of two categories. The first is for research into practical measures for improving fish welfare and demonstrating the benefit of those actions. The second category is for research that helps develop better communication strategies for engaging with all stakeholders in fish and seafood value chains. Eight projects were selected and seven are currently underway. A second round competition was held in early 2024 with projects currently under selection.

Other activities under the project including the development of online aquatic animal welfare training materials, and the funding of one student from Thailand and one from Vietnam to take the MSc programme in Sustainable Aquaculture and Aquatic Pathobiology respectively at the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling. Follow the tile links further down this page for more details.

Professor David Little introduces the project

Project activities

Links, resources and future events

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If you are working in Thailand or Vietnam with an interest in this issue, please get in touch with us using the form below and we will keep you informed of events and activities.